
Showing posts from May, 2013

Welcome to Sticks and Strings and Sewing Things!

Hi there!  Some of you may know me already from my other blog, The Road From There to Here , where I blog about my infertility, faith journey, marriage and other daily ramblings.  I have tried to incorporate some of my knitting and DIY projects there, but they seem to take focus away from the original intent of that blog; my journey on the "Road from There (infertility, depression, questioning, weight issues) to Here (still infertile but working on it, working through my depression, my growing faith and getting healthy). So, here is my new knitting / sewing / crafty / DIY trials, errors, successes and failures! I've got a lot of posts in the works, so stay tuned the next few days for the first few adventures on "Sticks and Strings and Sewing Things"! Craft on! Rebecca