Knitting Catch-Up

Good evening friends!

I thought I'd take a little time and catch you all up on my projects.  My last knitting project update was July 22, 2012! (Really???  Holy Wow!  What a slacker!)

At that time I had just finished the Gray Skies Lacy Cardigan (Hey Teach! pattern by Helene Rush of Knitty), and I'm happy to say I'm still wearing and loving it!  It's the perfect cool weather throw-on to chase the chill away.  I've dressed it up with a nice peasant skirt and button down blouse, and dressed it down with jeans and a t-shirt.  Either way, it's still a winner!  If you're looking for an easy, multitasking, long-wearing project, that's the one!

Since then, I've done a LOT of knitting, just apparently not a lot of blogging!

Here are some FO's in no particular order! (click on titles for links to my Ravelry project page for specifics on each project).

Matt's Got The Blues:   My hubby loves blankets.  The snugglier the better.

Shown on our Queen sized bed for size reference

SugarPlum's Rainbow Blanket:  I got a God-Daughter for Christmas!  And she got a blankie!  Worked out well for all involved, I think!  (Baby was due Christmas Day, so her parents nicknamed her SugarPlum while she was baking...)  This is the honest-to-goodness most favoritest blanket I've ever made.  The pattern is so easy (although it gets v e r y monotonous toward the end!), and the yarn I used is softer than clouds!  And doesn't she look so precious all snuggled up in it?

Who doesn't love a baby all wrapped up in hand-knits???

 Cabled Coffee Cozy:   I made this for a Secret Santa Gift exchange, and sent it along with a Starbucks Gift Card.  I literally made this in three hours!  I see more of these for quick gifts in my future!

Froot Loops Socks :  These are a work in progress (WIP).  I love socks, and have recently discovered the joy of toe-up socks. I love being able to try them on while I'm working the instep so I know when to turn the heel.  This is some hand-dyed yarn I dyed with Kool-Aid at my best friend's "dye-ing" party a couple of years ago.  (They're more vibrant in person, the camera sort of washed out the color).

Rondeur:  This sweater has been a thorn in my side since I started it.  I loved the pattern.  I love the yarn.  I love the lace pattern.  I love the color.  However, I do not so much love the finished project.  I have realized that I do not look good in boat-neck necklines.  I was so upset when I finished it, because I so very much wanted to love it.  And I do.  Just not on me.  :(

It actually does have sleeves...

Rose Toe-Up Socks:  Quite possibly my favorite pair of socks I have knit so far.  Toe up with short row heel, basic ribbed cuff and used Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off for the cuff.  This is now my go-to bind off for socks, it's aaaaaaaamaaaaaazing!!!  

Close up of the stretchy bind off

It really IS Surprisingly S T R E T C H Y!!!  (perfect for larger calves like mine!)

Chevron Lace Scarf:    This gorgeous hunk of yarn is my first ever lace project.  I received the yarn from my best friend for my birthday with the caveat that I use it do to a Knit Along (KAL) with her.  She has another color of the same yarn.  We put our heads together and found a pattern we both liked and got started.  About a hundred cast on's and froggings later, we changed patterns and chose the Chevron Lace Scarf.  As you can tell, I'm not very far.  :)  I actually have about 15 rows done right now, I just haven't taken a recent picture.

Well, I think that just about brings us current on the "Sticks and Strings" portion of S&S&S Things.  

Stay tuned this week for a Sewing Catch-Up post, I've got some fun things to show you!

Happy Knitting!




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